Partial renovation (WHG) of a screed in a production and storage facility.
December 2020
The ABS Steding company produces chemicals for wastewater treatment at the Wolfen Chemical Park. The floor of the chemical company was heavily worn in parts and urgently needed to be restored in accordance with WHG regulations.
After the old screed including coating had been removed, the 450 m2 area was milled and shot-peened. Subsequently, the old WHG coating structure had to be restored with a special primer and full-surface sanding with quartz sand under the guidance of the TÜV.
As final surface layer a protective screed based on earth moist VELOSIT SC 240 with an average layer thickness of 14 cm was laid.
The screed installed in a mixing ratio of 1:4 achieved excellent flexural and compressive strengths of class CT-C50-F8.
VELOSIT SC 240 was placed fresh in fresh onto the cementitious bonding bridge of VELOSIT CP 200.
The 130 tons were mixed and pumped in 2 days with a Mix Mobil Bremat F2.20 from Kotan Bau, Hanover.
2 days later, the surface was also coated with the silicate/silicone-based surface sealer VELOSIT FH 921. This step can significantly improve the cleanability of cement-based surfaces by closing the pores and hydroprobing them at the same time.
One day later, the hall of ABS Steding was completely available for use again.
Conclusion of Hans Jürgen Steding, managing director of ABS: “it was a speedy construction project, in compliance with the WHG regulations”.
Mr. Steding is very satisfied with the result.